• Level-2, House- 424, Road- 06, Avenue- 04
    DOHS Mirpur, Dhaka-1216.

  • Sat to Thu 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

  • +880 1711-487 756
    +880 1766-678 112
    Call us now and let us know how we can help. We are always pleased to help you!


      1. 01. Computer Password change record
      2. 02. CD Back up register
      3. 03. CD sending record file
      4. 04. Internal ID Security audit report
      5. 05. IT training record register
      6. 06. Unauthorized file access check
      7. 07. CCTV & PC maintaining record
      8. 08. Monthly IT development
      9. 09. Visitor in out Register for IT D.
      10. 10. Disciplinary action record
      11. 11. List of CC camera as per location
      12. 12. List of PC user
      13. 13. Authorized person list of PC user
      14. 14. Assurance Screen saver password
      15. 15. Assurance of all PC passwords.
      16. 16. Assurance of shipping record by CCTV at least 45 days.
      17. 17. Numbering of all PC and CCTV
      18. 18. Assurance that authorized person name and photo are hanged in front of Halogen light with covered box. Top

        1. 01. ID card stock and issue Register.
        2. 02. ID card individual issue and return record register
        3. 03. ID card collection voucher file
        4. 04. ID card missing & damaged record register
        5. 05. Missing ID card inquiry record.
        6. 06. Temporary ID card issue & return record
        7. 07. ID card inactive record.
        8. 08. Service skill test and background check
        9. 09. Resign employee check list
        10. 10. Preparing all securities (Own and Robust) personal file and job card.
        11. 11. Preparing all securities salary sheet.
        12. 12. List of Securities
        13. 13. Preparing Security Organ gram
        14. 14. Confirming in personal file ----
          1. A. C-TPAT training record sheet with signature
          2. B. Periodically Background check
          3. C. Skill test record
          4. D. Contact number
          5. E. National ID Card
          6. F. Chairman certificate
          7. G. Photocopy of Worker Photo ID
          8. H. Police verification

        1. 01. New Employee orientation register for CTPAT with attendant photo
        2. 02. Security thread awareness register for employee with attendant photo
        3. 03. Cargo Management training record register with attendant photo
        4. 04. Product integrity training register with attendant photo
        5. 05. Goods tempering awareness record register with attendant photo
        6. 06. Ensuring that all new workers are in the refresher training record register
        7. 07. Ensuring that ID card number should be posted in new worker orientation training register & others.
        8. 08. Ensuring that all employees are wearing photo ID badge within the working place. Top

        1. 01. Visitor in our ID card
        2. 02. Ensuring that within the store all are authorized by the head of the factory
        3. 03. Visitor in out register in wear house
        4. 04. Advance information of shipping vehicle
        5. 05. shipment finished carton check record register
        6. 06. shipment delivery challan
        7. 07. Shipment status/export carton stock register
        8. 08. Bolt seal stock and issue record register
        9. 09. .Bolt seal requisition book
        10. 10. Additional bolt seal issue and return record register
        11. 11. Incoming goods in out register
        12. 12. Incoming goods vehicle in out and inspection register
        13. 13. Incoming vehicle control point report register
        14. 14. Incoming goods inventory record
        15. 15. C & F challan, invoice, bill of leading & inventory report
        16. 16. Ensuring that tally record registers are absolutely ok
        17. 17. Bolt seal operator name with photo should be posted in front of the respective area
        18. 18. All bolt seal record should be kept in sequence way Challan Top

        1. 01. Ensuring that all column of all register should be filled.
        2. 02. Visitor in out register (Security)
        3. 03. Visitor in out register (Packing)
        4. 04. Visitor in out register (Store)
        5. 05. Visitor in out register (Finished carton area)
        6. 06. Advance information for visitor
        7. 07. Conveyance driver in out register
        8. 08. Vehicle in out register Shipment loading register
        9. 09. shipment unloading register
        10. 10. Shipment vehicle tracking register
        11. 11. 7 point check record.
        12. 12. Bolt seal affixing record register
        13. 13. Control point report record register
        14. 14. Local loading register
        15. 15. Local unloading register
        16. 16. Finished carton rally record register
        17. 17. Security guard ABC register
        18. 18. Security guard daily duty register
        19. 19. Security guard post patrol duty roster
        20. 20. Enclosure checking record register
        21. 21. Perimeter inspection and repair record
        22. 22. Security equipment checks record register
        23. 23. CCTV camera monitoring record register
        24. 24. Violation report record of security alarm system
        25. 25. Factory key control and responsible person record register
        26. 26. Internal key issue and deposited record register
        27. 27. security incident report record register
        28. 28. Warless set frequency channel change record
        29. 29. Security guard threat awareness training record
        30. 30. Incoming & outgoing mail and parcel register
        31. 31. Key holder register
        32. 32. Track inbound outbound register.
        33. 33. 5 point check record for incoming Vehicle register
        34. 34. Road Map distribution register
        35. 35. Building inspection register
        36. 36. Security Alarm testing record
        37. 37. Ensuring that all security in all respective area should perform at the best level.
        38. 38. Security should checkout all visitors photo ID
        39. 39. Security should checkout all visitors bag and others
        40. 40. Security should be ensured that no unauthorized persons are in the restricted area.
          Registers, files, responsibilities or any other change can be increased or decreased at any time. Top

        1. 01. New workers personal file.
        2. 02. Salary Sheet.
        3. 03. Pay Slip.
        4. 04. Resign File.
        5. 05. Maternity File.
        6. 06. Earn Leave Register.
        7. 07. Leave Entry & Register.
        8. 08. ID Card Return Issue Register
        9. 09. ID card Return Register
        10. 10. Service Book Open & Issue Register.
        11. 11. Short Leave issue Register.
        12. 12. Appointment Letter Issue Register
        13. 13. Proximity card, Software, Grade, Deduction, OT Rate, Calculation of wages ( basic Rent, Medical Allowance ) , in time, short leave, attendance Bonus.
        14. 14. Leave Graph
        15. 15. Absent Graph
        16. 16. Sample File.
        17. 17. Increment Posting
        18. 18. Performance Appraisal of workers and NMS.
        19. 19. Disciplinary Procedure.
        20. 20. Workers List for group Insurance. Top

        1. 01. Trade License.
        2. 02. Fire License.
        3. 03. Export License.
        4. 04. Import License.
        5. 05. BGMEA Member Certificate
        6. 06. BKMEA Member Certificate
        7. 07. BTMA Membership Certificate
        8. 08. Chamber of commerce and Industry certificate.
        9. 09. Export Promotion Bureau certificate ( EPB)
        10. 10. Factory License
        11. 11. Bond License.
        12. 12. Boiler License.
        13. 13. Boiler Operators Operating Certificate / Competency Certificate.
        14. 14. Group Insurance.
        15. 15. Drinking Water Test Report.
        16. 16. Incorporation Certificate.
        17. 17. VAT Clearance Certificate.
        18. 18. Income Tax Clearance Certificate.
        19. 19. Environment release order / environment certificate
        20. 20. Waste water test Report ( ETP)
        21. 21. Approval of site plan building ( if extend floor / building)/ Building Approval plan.
        22. 22. Generator Operators Operating Certificate / Generator Installing permission / Waiver certificate / Permission for the generator (S) from Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission ( Original Copy)
        23. 23. Certificate from the ministry of power, Electricity & mineral Resources for the Electric Sub-Station. (Original Copy).
        24. 24. Factory Insurance. Top

        1. 01. PPE ( Musk, Scissor, Cutter, knife,Vomor, Eye Safety Glass, Hand Gloves, Metal hand, Gloves, Goggles, Ear Muff)
        2. 02. Apron.
        3. 03. Broken Needle & Broken Needle Register.
        4. 04. Exhaust Fan ( Ventilation)
        5. 05. Needle Guard
        6. 06. Toilet & Toilet Check List ( Soap, Towel)
        7. 07. Neat & Cleanliness
        8. 08. Paddle Rubber Mat.
        9. 09. Rubber Mat ( Iron man)
        10. 10. DB Board-(Ebonite Sheet, Rubber Mat)
        11. 11. Pure Drinking Water
        12. 12. Spot Removing Room ( Exhaust Fan, PPE, MSDS-833/ Action Instruction
        13. 13. Machine Hazard.
        14. 14. Workers Work Station blocks.
        15. 15. Garments, fabric, Finished Carton, accessories in the floor.
        16. 16. General Safety Instruction.
        17. 17. First Aid Box.
        18. 18. Loose cable.
        19. 19. Steam Line.
        20. 20. Electrical wiring covers of iron.
        21. 21. Work Station Marking/sign Attach.
        22. 22. Safety Height Limit.
        23. 23. Production Floor Temperature.
        24. 24. Emergency Exit.
        25. 25. User Identification in tag Gun.
        26. 26. Spittoon.
        27. 27. Floor & Wall Painting.
        28. 28. Pest control Register.
        29. 29. Pulley Guard Needle Guard
        30. 30. Smoke Detector.
        31. 31. Housekeeping.
        32. 32. Idle machine Area Segregate.
        33. 33. DB board-Danger sign, Rubber mat. Top

        1. 01. Fire Drill register
        2. 02. Fire Fighting Equipment Register.
        3. 03. Fire Fighting Training Register.
        4. 04. Fire Fighter Certificate holder.
        5. 05. Fire Extinguisher Check.
        6. 06. Water Hose Pipe Check.
        7. 07. Fire Fighting Equipment Check (Fire bucket. Water jar, fire Biter, Fire Hook, Stretcher, Respiratory Musk, roof, Lock Cutter , Hammer Heat Proof Gloves)
        8. 08. Aisles & Arrow Marking
        9. 09. Fire Extinguisher Marking
        10. 10. Fire Evacuation Plan.
        11. 11. Exit List Box ( with all room where work minimum 10 persons)
        12. 12. All fire Safety Related sign ( poly & Neon Sign) Top

        1. 01. Maternity Follow up file.
        2. 02. Sickness Analysis.
        3. 03. Medical Consolation Graph.
        4. 04. Treatment Register
        5. 05. Medical Issue Register.
        6. 06. Medicine Stock Register
        7. 07. Accident / injury Register
        8. 08. First Aid Training register
        9. 09. Maintain first aid kits. Top

        1. 01. Day care register
        2. 02. Food Providing Register.
        3. 03. Toys.
        4. 04. Neat & Cleanliness.
        5. 05. Caretaker.
        6. 06. Day care Mainta8in register.
        7. 07. fire Equipment ( Decathlon) Top

        1. 01. Price List of food.
        2. 02. Not Keep Open food/ non BSTI Approved food.
        3. 03. Canteen policy Attach.
        4. 04. Canteen committee. Top

        1. 01. New worker awareness Register.
        2. 02. Workers participation committee notice Register.
        3. 03. Workers participation Committee Register.
        4. 04. Grievance Disposal committee Register.
        5. 05. Grievance Daily Disposal Register.
        6. 06. Environment Health & safety Committee Register.
        7. 07. HIV aids Awareness Register.
        8. 08. Environment emergency Awareness Register.
        9. 09. Compliance box record register.
        10. 10. PPE Training Register.
        11. 11. Maternity benefit Awareness Register.
        12. 12. Compliance Awareness Register.
        13. 13. COC Training Register for Stuff, employee, new workers.
        14. 14. Training for Waste handling Register
        15. 15. Machine Hazards Register.
        16. 16. Injury Record and Analysis Register.
        17. 17. Water Tank Cleaning.
        18. 18. Chemical Handling / use Training Register.
        19. 19. Occupational Health & Safety.
        20. 20. Brand Protection Training Register. Top

        1. 01. Segregation of Wastage Room.
        2. 02. Wastage Disposal policy & Documents.
        3. 03. Wastage disposal Agreement with Local Authority. Top

        1. 01. Buyers audit Report & Cap Follow up.
        2. 02. Generator log book.
        3. 03. Boiler Log Book.
        4. 04. ETP Register.
        5. 05. PH Test Value Report Register.
        6. 06. Machine Maintenance Log Book.
        7. 07. Machine Maintenance Check Report.
        8. 08. Company Organ gram.
        9. 09. Toilet Check list.
        10. 10. Pest control register.
        11. 11. Agreement with Local Hospital/Medical.
        12. 12. Secondary Containment for Fuel & Chemical.
        13. 13. ABC Register (GAP)
        14. 14. Floor House Keeping.
        15. 15. Child Labor.
        16. 16. Environment.
        17. 17. PA system.
        18. 18. Notice Board.
        19. 19. Buyer code of conduct hangs in Notice board.
        20. 20. Company Policy.
        21. 21. Development of new buyer.
        22. 22. Corporate Compliance affairs ( Meeting. Internal audit, buyer predit meeting, monthly meeting etc.)
        23. 23. All Buyer code of Conduct ( Bangla English) hang in factory premises.