- 01. Computer Password change record
- 02. CD Back up register
- 03. CD sending record file
- 04. Internal ID Security audit report
- 05. IT training record register
- 06. Unauthorized file access check
- 07. CCTV & PC maintaining record
- 08. Monthly IT development
- 09. Visitor in out Register for IT D.
- 10. Disciplinary action record
- 11. List of CC camera as per location
- 12. List of PC user
- 13. Authorized person list of PC user
- 14. Assurance Screen saver password
- 15. Assurance of all PC passwords.
- 16. Assurance of shipping record by CCTV at least 45 days.
- 17. Numbering of all PC and CCTV
- 18. Assurance that authorized person name and photo are hanged in front of Halogen light with covered box.
- 01. ID card stock and issue Register.
- 02. ID card individual issue and return record register
- 03. ID card collection voucher file
- 04. ID card missing & damaged record register
- 05. Missing ID card inquiry record.
- 06. Temporary ID card issue & return record
- 07. ID card inactive record.
- 08. Service skill test and background check
- 09. Resign employee check list
- 10. Preparing all securities (Own and Robust) personal file and job card.
- 11. Preparing all securities salary sheet.
- 12. List of Securities
- 13. Preparing Security Organ gram
- 14. Confirming in personal file ----
- A. C-TPAT training record sheet with signature
- B. Periodically Background check
- C. Skill test record
- D. Contact number
- E. National ID Card
- F. Chairman certificate
- G. Photocopy of Worker Photo ID
- H. Police verification
- 01. New Employee orientation register for CTPAT with attendant photo
- 02. Security thread awareness register for employee with attendant photo
- 03. Cargo Management training record register with attendant photo
- 04. Product integrity training register with attendant photo
- 05. Goods tempering awareness record register with attendant photo
- 06. Ensuring that all new workers are in the refresher training record register
- 07. Ensuring that ID card number should be posted in new worker orientation training register & others.
- 08. Ensuring that all employees are wearing photo ID badge within the working place.
- 01. Visitor in our ID card
- 02. Ensuring that within the store all are authorized by the head of the factory
- 03. Visitor in out register in wear house
- 04. Advance information of shipping vehicle
- 05. shipment finished carton check record register
- 06. shipment delivery challan
- 07. Shipment status/export carton stock register
- 08. Bolt seal stock and issue record register
- 09. .Bolt seal requisition book
- 10. Additional bolt seal issue and return record register
- 11. Incoming goods in out register
- 12. Incoming goods vehicle in out and inspection register
- 13. Incoming vehicle control point report register
- 14. Incoming goods inventory record
- 15. C & F challan, invoice, bill of leading & inventory report
- 16. Ensuring that tally record registers are absolutely ok
- 17. Bolt seal operator name with photo should be posted in front of the respective area
- 18. All bolt seal record should be kept in sequence way
- 01. Ensuring that all column of all register should be filled.
- 02. Visitor in out register (Security)
- 03. Visitor in out register (Packing)
- 04. Visitor in out register (Store)
- 05. Visitor in out register (Finished carton area)
- 06. Advance information for visitor
- 07. Conveyance driver in out register
- 08. Vehicle in out register Shipment loading register
- 09. shipment unloading register
- 10. Shipment vehicle tracking register
- 11. 7 point check record.
- 12. Bolt seal affixing record register
- 13. Control point report record register
- 14. Local loading register
- 15. Local unloading register
- 16. Finished carton rally record register
- 17. Security guard ABC register
- 18. Security guard daily duty register
- 19. Security guard post patrol duty roster
- 20. Enclosure checking record register
- 21. Perimeter inspection and repair record
- 22. Security equipment checks record register
- 23. CCTV camera monitoring record register
- 24. Violation report record of security alarm system
- 25. Factory key control and responsible person record register
- 26. Internal key issue and deposited record register
- 27. security incident report record register
- 28. Warless set frequency channel change record
- 29. Security guard threat awareness training record
- 30. Incoming & outgoing mail and parcel register
- 31. Key holder register
- 32. Track inbound outbound register.
- 33. 5 point check record for incoming Vehicle register
- 34. Road Map distribution register
- 35. Building inspection register
- 36. Security Alarm testing record
- 37. Ensuring that all security in all respective area should perform at the best level.
- 38. Security should checkout all visitors photo ID
- 39. Security should checkout all visitors bag and others
- 40. Security should be ensured that no unauthorized persons are in the restricted area.
Registers, files, responsibilities or any other change can be increased or decreased at any time. Top
- 01. New workers personal file.
- 02. Salary Sheet.
- 03. Pay Slip.
- 04. Resign File.
- 05. Maternity File.
- 06. Earn Leave Register.
- 07. Leave Entry & Register.
- 08. ID Card Return Issue Register
- 09. ID card Return Register
- 10. Service Book Open & Issue Register.
- 11. Short Leave issue Register.
- 12. Appointment Letter Issue Register
- 13. Proximity card, Software, Grade, Deduction, OT Rate, Calculation of wages ( basic Rent, Medical Allowance ) , in time, short leave, attendance Bonus.
- 14. Leave Graph
- 15. Absent Graph
- 16. Sample File.
- 17. Increment Posting
- 18. Performance Appraisal of workers and NMS.
- 19. Disciplinary Procedure.
- 20. Workers List for group Insurance.
- 01. Trade License.
- 02. Fire License.
- 03. Export License.
- 04. Import License.
- 05. BGMEA Member Certificate
- 06. BKMEA Member Certificate
- 07. BTMA Membership Certificate
- 08. Chamber of commerce and Industry certificate.
- 09. Export Promotion Bureau certificate ( EPB)
- 10. Factory License
- 11. Bond License.
- 12. Boiler License.
- 13. Boiler Operators Operating Certificate / Competency Certificate.
- 14. Group Insurance.
- 15. Drinking Water Test Report.
- 16. Incorporation Certificate.
- 17. VAT Clearance Certificate.
- 18. Income Tax Clearance Certificate.
- 19. Environment release order / environment certificate
- 20. Waste water test Report ( ETP)
- 21. Approval of site plan building ( if extend floor / building)/ Building Approval plan.
- 22. Generator Operators Operating Certificate / Generator Installing permission / Waiver certificate / Permission for the generator (S) from Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission ( Original Copy)
- 23. Certificate from the ministry of power, Electricity & mineral Resources for the Electric Sub-Station. (Original Copy).
- 24. Factory Insurance.
- 01. PPE ( Musk, Scissor, Cutter, knife,Vomor, Eye Safety Glass, Hand Gloves, Metal hand, Gloves, Goggles, Ear Muff)
- 02. Apron.
- 03. Broken Needle & Broken Needle Register.
- 04. Exhaust Fan ( Ventilation)
- 05. Needle Guard
- 06. Toilet & Toilet Check List ( Soap, Towel)
- 07. Neat & Cleanliness
- 08. Paddle Rubber Mat.
- 09. Rubber Mat ( Iron man)
- 10. DB Board-(Ebonite Sheet, Rubber Mat)
- 11. Pure Drinking Water
- 12. Spot Removing Room ( Exhaust Fan, PPE, MSDS-833/ Action Instruction
- 13. Machine Hazard.
- 14. Workers Work Station blocks.
- 15. Garments, fabric, Finished Carton, accessories in the floor.
- 16. General Safety Instruction.
- 17. First Aid Box.
- 18. Loose cable.
- 19. Steam Line.
- 20. Electrical wiring covers of iron.
- 21. Work Station Marking/sign Attach.
- 22. Safety Height Limit.
- 23. Production Floor Temperature.
- 24. Emergency Exit.
- 25. User Identification in tag Gun.
- 26. Spittoon.
- 27. Floor & Wall Painting.
- 28. Pest control Register.
- 29. Pulley Guard Needle Guard
- 30. Smoke Detector.
- 31. Housekeeping.
- 32. Idle machine Area Segregate.
- 33. DB board-Danger sign, Rubber mat.
- 01. Fire Drill register
- 02. Fire Fighting Equipment Register.
- 03. Fire Fighting Training Register.
- 04. Fire Fighter Certificate holder.
- 05. Fire Extinguisher Check.
- 06. Water Hose Pipe Check.
- 07. Fire Fighting Equipment Check (Fire bucket. Water jar, fire Biter, Fire Hook, Stretcher, Respiratory Musk, roof, Lock Cutter , Hammer Heat Proof Gloves)
- 08. Aisles & Arrow Marking
- 09. Fire Extinguisher Marking
- 10. Fire Evacuation Plan.
- 11. Exit List Box ( with all room where work minimum 10 persons)
- 12. All fire Safety Related sign ( poly & Neon Sign)
- 01. Maternity Follow up file.
- 02. Sickness Analysis.
- 03. Medical Consolation Graph.
- 04. Treatment Register
- 05. Medical Issue Register.
- 06. Medicine Stock Register
- 07. Accident / injury Register
- 08. First Aid Training register
- 09. Maintain first aid kits.
- 01. Day care register
- 02. Food Providing Register.
- 03. Toys.
- 04. Neat & Cleanliness.
- 05. Caretaker.
- 06. Day care Mainta8in register.
- 07. fire Equipment ( Decathlon)
- 01. Price List of food.
- 02. Not Keep Open food/ non BSTI Approved food.
- 03. Canteen policy Attach.
- 04. Canteen committee.
- 01. New worker awareness Register.
- 02. Workers participation committee notice Register.
- 03. Workers participation Committee Register.
- 04. Grievance Disposal committee Register.
- 05. Grievance Daily Disposal Register.
- 06. Environment Health & safety Committee Register.
- 07. HIV aids Awareness Register.
- 08. Environment emergency Awareness Register.
- 09. Compliance box record register.
- 10. PPE Training Register.
- 11. Maternity benefit Awareness Register.
- 12. Compliance Awareness Register.
- 13. COC Training Register for Stuff, employee, new workers.
- 14. Training for Waste handling Register
- 15. Machine Hazards Register.
- 16. Injury Record and Analysis Register.
- 17. Water Tank Cleaning.
- 18. Chemical Handling / use Training Register.
- 19. Occupational Health & Safety.
- 20. Brand Protection Training Register.
- 01. Segregation of Wastage Room.
- 02. Wastage Disposal policy & Documents.
- 03. Wastage disposal Agreement with Local Authority.
- 01. Buyers audit Report & Cap Follow up.
- 02. Generator log book.
- 03. Boiler Log Book.
- 04. ETP Register.
- 05. PH Test Value Report Register.
- 06. Machine Maintenance Log Book.
- 07. Machine Maintenance Check Report.
- 08. Company Organ gram.
- 09. Toilet Check list.
- 10. Pest control register.
- 11. Agreement with Local Hospital/Medical.
- 12. Secondary Containment for Fuel & Chemical.
- 13. ABC Register (GAP)
- 14. Floor House Keeping.
- 15. Child Labor.
- 16. Environment.
- 17. PA system.
- 18. Notice Board.
- 19. Buyer code of conduct hangs in Notice board.
- 20. Company Policy.
- 21. Development of new buyer.
- 22. Corporate Compliance affairs ( Meeting. Internal audit, buyer predit meeting, monthly meeting etc.)
- 23. All Buyer code of Conduct ( Bangla English) hang in factory premises.